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On a quantum quest: Europe’s journey towards technological innovation

One of the standout projects resulted from the latest QuantERA Call and is led by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. AIT quantum technology expert Mariana Ferreira-Ramos is project manager and talks briefly about the intended impact of the technologies developed

One of the standout projects resulted from the latest QuantERA Call and is led by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. AIT quantum technology expert Mariana Ferreira-Ramos is project manager and talks briefly about the intended impact of the technologies developed


14th April marked World Quantum Day – an annual celebration dedicated to spreading awareness about quantum technologies (QT). Scientists predict that within a decade these technologies will significantly improve our daily lives. From expedited and precise medical diagnostics to unparalleled data security in networks to the development of new materials boasting revolutionary properties, the scope of possibilities is vast.


The global landscape of quantum technologies is experiencing rapid expansion, with Europe positioning itself ambitiously as a frontrunner in this burgeoning area. Backed by strategic initiatives, such as QuantERA and the Quantum Flagship, the European Union aspires to take the lead as the world’s first quantum valley, primed to unlock the full potential of quantum science and technology.


Pushing the boundaries


The latest QuantERA Call, concluded at the end of 2023, saw a wave of pioneering research proposals that pushed the very boundaries of quantum physics. Among the standout projects were scientific endeavours exploring quantum imaging, research on quantum sensors based on colour centres, and experiments on quantum dot single-photon sources, all garnering high acclaim.


One such project, “QISS·ME,” is led by Mariana Ferreira-Ramos from the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. In collaboration with scientists from Germany and Israel, Ramos works on secure datacentre communication, integrating Quantum Key Distribution to deliver cost-effective, interception-resistant data encryption by leveraging silicon photonic integration technology to achieve compact and secure communication links. This innovative approach not only enhances datacentre security but also facilitates seamless integration with existing infrastructure, paving the way for widespread adoption across various use cases. “Quantum physics has granted us profound insights into the workings of nature,” observes Ramos. “QT will now harvest these results by unlocking unprecedented capabilities with practical implications. From quantum computing’s potential to solve complex problems exponentially faster than classical supercomputers to quantum cryptography’s unbreakable security protocols and sensing, these advancements are reshaping fields like medicine, military industries, and finance. The impact of quantum technologies extends far beyond theory, heralding a new era of innovation – a future where the seemingly impossible becomes achievable.”


Read the full article here.
